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Improved Water and Wastewater Service – Egypt

Expertise: Aufbereitung, Trinkwasser

Improved Water and Wastewater Service

The Improved Water and Wastewater Service Programme II (IWSP II) is a joint programme of the European Development Partners (EDPs now are AFD, EIB, EU, KfW and SECO) designed to support the Egyptian water sector reform. The programme area is made up of the Governorates of Qena, Sohag, Assiut and Minya, with a population of about 18 million inhabitants (2017). The overall IWSP programme objective is to contribute to the creation of efficient and financially sustainable ACs that provide environmentally sound water supply and sanitation services of high quality in the four target Governorates of the IWSP.

The Consultancy Services for the Technical Assistance, Design and Engineering Consultant (TADEC) for Lot 2 comprise the improvement of the physical water supply and wastewater infrastructure (investment component) of the two ACs (Qena and Sohag) as well as capacity development measures (technical assistance component). The investment component shall improve the water and wastewater infrastructure to provide water and wastewater services in a more efficient and environmentally sound way. The TA component shall create an enabling environment for the investment component by strengthening the organisational and human resource capacities of the ACs. The TA component shall also measurably contribute to improved operation and maintenance of the ACs existing, rehabilitated and new facilities.

Overall IWSP II programme development goals are:
  • Improved health status of the population in the programme area;
  • Improved environmental conditions in the programme area;
  • Further improvements of the water and wastewater sector framework

The purpose of the TADECs’ services under the TA component is to enhance the ACs capacities for capital investment planning and implementation, programme management, budgeting and control as well as the efficiency of technical, commercial and financial business processes and thus contribute to a sustainable performance of the ACs. The component shall also ensure the proper implementation of the ACs investment measures and satisfy the EDP re-porting requirements. The employer of the TADEC is the HCWW represented by PMU.


Auftraggeber: Holding Company for Water and Wastewater (HCWW)Projektpartner: Mott Macdonald, AAW Consulting EngineersFinanzier: EDPs now are AFD, EIB, EU, KfW and SECOLand & Ort: Egypt -Sohag & QenaProjektzeitraum: March 2023 – March 2024
Erbrachte Leistungen:
  • Assessment of the current situation in the ACs (incl. Stakeholder assessment, cost recovery analysis, O&M analysis, capacity needs and development)
  • Establishment of an O&M performance monitoring system
  • Establishment of Programme Implementation Unit (PIU) in each one of the two Governorates, ensuring budget and financial management
  • Improvement of ACs budgeting, reporting and control capacities
  • Review and improvement recommendations for existing financial system and business plans
  • On the job trainings in the field of wastewater and water supply
  • Improvement recommendations for NRW reduction


Bild von Dörthe Sievers: Wasserwerk Ägypten