Sonko Kiwanuka Blick auf offene Becken

Professionalization of water and sewage services of Umbrella Authorities

Expertise: Aufbereitung, Speicherung, Trinkwasser, Verteilung

Strategic Water Management

The Government of Uganda (GoU) through the Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE) is currently overseeing the execution of the Integrated Water Management and Development Project (IWMDP).

This project, financed by the World Bank is centred around three key strategic areas:

  1. developing necessary and sustainable Water Supply and Sanitation infrastructure and catchment management measures in targeted regions;
  2. supporting water-related institutions (MWE, local government bodies, and service providers) establish and consolidate operational efficiency and service quality in small towns and rural areas; and
  3. strengthening national and regional capacities to improve the practice of Integrated Water Resources Management.

Responsibility for water supply in cities and large towns falls under the National Water and Sewerage Cooperation (NWSC), while Umbrella Authorities (UAs) manage water supply in smaller towns and rural areas across six sub-regions. Investment planning is crucial for developing viable projects.

CONSULAQUA Hamburg (CAH) provided expertise to optimize investment planning, conducting baseline assessments of existing plans and identifying investment needs. Working with the Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE) and Umbrella Authorities, a 5-year strategic plan was developed to improve operational circumstances. CAH supported in developing sustainable financing strategies, implementing standard operating procedures, and ensuring sustainable operations and management.

Auftraggeber: Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE)Projektpartner: WSS Services (U) Ltd, Athena Infonomics - Project ID NO: P163782 Referenz NO: MWE/CONS/20-21/00018Finanzier: World Bank (WB)/ International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)Land & Ort: UgandaProjektzeitraum: 2022 – 2024
Erbrachte Leistungen:
  • Support in Baseline Assessment on financial activities in all umbrella authorities
  • Conducting capacity development measures regarding Investment Planning
  • Capacity development in project planning


Foto von Sonko Kiwanuka: Blick auf offene Becken.